Watch & download kisi nazar ko intezar aaj bhi hai mp3 song download MP4 and MP3 now. You can download free mp3 or MP4 as a separate song, or as video and download a music collection from any artist, which of course will save you a lot of time.
Singer(s) bhupinder singh & asha bhosle movie : aitebaar (1985) music bappi lahiri lyrics faruk kaiser starring raj babbar dimple kapadia suresh oberoi...
Duration: 00:06:10 Video Size 242.48 MB MP3 Size 6.06 MB GHAMTOHAI
Presenting "kisi nazar ko tera intezar" full lyrical video song in the voice of asha bhosle, bhupinder from hindi movie "aitbaar" starring raj babbar, dimple...
Duration: 00:06:28 Video Size 254.28 MB MP3 Size 6.36 MB Bollywood Classics
For latest updates: ---------------------------------------- subscribe us here: "if you like the video, don't forget to share and leave ...
Duration: 00:07:31 Video Size 295.57 MB MP3 Size 7.39 MB Bollywood Classics
Singer(s) bhupinder singh & asha bhosle movie : aitebaar (1985) music bappi lahiri lyrics faruk kaiser starring raj babbar dimple kapadia suresh oberoi...
Duration: 00:06:10 Video Size 242.48 MB MP3 Size 6.06 MB Vikram Singh
Aitebaar (1985) music bappi lahiri lyrics faruk kaiser starring raj babbar dimple kapadia suresh oberoi. Singer(s) bhupinder singh & asha bhosle movie. Http//bitly/qjhzur "if you like the video, don't forget to share and leave.
Kisi nazar ko tera intezaar aaj bhi hai : ghazal by ranjeet rajwada at idea jalsa presented art and artistes. stay tuned for the richest collection of the...
Duration: 00:04:16 Video Size 167.77 MB MP3 Size 4.19 MB Art And Artistes
Presenting "kisi nazar ko tera intezar" full lyrical video song in the voice of asha bhosle, bhupinder from hindi movie "aitbaar" starring raj babbar, dimple. Ghazal by ranjeet rajwada at idea jalsa presented art and artistes. Aitebaar (1985) music bappi lahiri lyrics faruk kaiser starring raj babbar dimple kapadia suresh oberoi.
Stay tuned for the richest collection of the. Kisi nazar ko tera intezaar aaj bhi hai. Subscribe my channel for “very heart touching sad urdu ghazal poetry, very on , in cry, mp3 d.
Singer(s) bhupinder singh & asha bhosle movie.