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Cool and awsome tatiana song with lyrics which its over trending audio all the world hope you will enjoy video lyric thanks ver. Download my new album "lovely" now. Hope u enjoyed song and all have a blessed christmas new year.
#yesterdayeverydayalways #tatianamanaois #quarantine filmed and directed by tatiana manaois - "yesterday everyday always" (prod. gc) is avail...
Duration: 00:03:23 Video Size 133.04 MB MP3 Size 3.33 MB Tatiana Manaois
#yesterdayeverydayalways #tatianamanaois #quarantine filmed and directed by tatiana manaois "yesterday everyday always" (prod. This one's for anyone who can't be with the one they love during holidays. (for anyone wondering why at the bottom writes "my heroes don't wear capes"it was first name of this channel but i changed it xd) [*i own anything.