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Lord shiva is both the creator and destroyer. presenting shiv tandav stotram from album- by ayantika nandy. subscribe now “bengali movies...
Duration: 00:05:52 Video Size 230.69 MB MP3 Size 5.77 MB Bengali Songs - Angel Digital
"shiva tandava stotram" - shiv tandav stotram sacred chants of shiva with lyrics artist uma mohan, g. gayathri devi, jata tavee gala jala pravaha pavitha...
Duration: 00:07:03 Video Size 277.22 MB MP3 Size 6.93 MB Spiritual Mantra
Presenting shiv tandav stotram from album by ayantika nandy. Lord shiva is both the creator and destroyer. Gayathri devi, jata tavee gala jala pravaha pavitha.
"shiva tandava stotram" shiv tandav stotram sacred chants of shiva with lyrics artist uma mohan, g.