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Hi lovely human! this is my first singing cover of a song i really like.... i've always been bit insecure about voice but hey! everyone starts somewhere...
Duration: 00:02:52 Video Size 112.72 MB MP3 Size 2.82 MB H x Chavez
This other person | tatiana manaois (official music video). Short clip of the song like you, good for dedication.
Do you tatiana manaois? then need to check this out!! read more here: subscribe: ----------------------------...
Duration: 00:01:25 Video Size 55.71 MB MP3 Size 1.39 MB All Naija Entertainment
This is my first singing cover of a song i really like. (for anyone wondering why at the bottom writes "my heroes don't wear capes"it was first name of this channel but i changed it xd) [*i own anything. Do you tatiana manaois.
I've always been bit insecure about voice but hey. Always" stream now on spotify.