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Presenting 'jhoka hawa ka' full lyrical video song in the voice of hariharan, kavita krishnamurthy from hindi movie "hum dil de chuke sanam" starring salman ...
Duration: 00:05:44 Video Size 225.44 MB MP3 Size 5.64 MB Bollywood Classics
Song - jhoka hawa ka movie hum dil de chuke sanam singer hariharan, kavita krishnamurthy lyricist mehboob music director- ismail darbar artist salman...
Duration: 00:03:38 Video Size 142.87 MB MP3 Size 3.57 MB Bollywood Classics
Presenting 'jhoka hawa ka' full lyrical video song in the voice of hariharan, kavita krishnamurthy from hindi movie "hum dil de chuke sanam" starring salman. Song jhoka hawa ka movie hum dil de chuke sanam singer hariharan, kavita krishnamurthy lyricist mehboob music director ismail darbar artist salman.